ଗୋପୀନାଥ ଧାମ ଦାତବ୍ୟ ଟ୍ରଷ୍ଟ

(A Registered Public Religious-cum-Charitable Trust)

Gopinath Dham Charitable Trust (GNDC Trust) is an irrevocable registered Public Religious-cum-Charitable Trust (Registration No. 40732400367 of 2024) having its Registered Office in the village Sahada in district of Jagatsinghpur, Odisha.

The Trust looks after the constructions, superintendence, management, development, and preservation of all temples, buildings and other infrastructures  already existing or  being constructed in and around  Gopinath Dham Complex and Shri Gopaljew Thakur Complex  viz;  (i) Shri Gopinath Temple, (ii) Maa Barunai Devi Temple, (iii)   Maa Sahada Sundari Devi Peetha, (vi) Gopaljew Community Centre (vii) Shri Hanuman Temple (to be constructed)  and (viii) Baba Benudhar Das Peetha (to be constructed)  and other infrastructure in the village Sahada including undertaking many other charitable, educational, cultural activities in the area.

Further, the Trust also has the following aims and objectives: –

  • To work for advancement of Indian Education, Culture and Literature and establish such educational, cultural, and social centres / institutions as deem appropriate.
  • To undertake different educational and vocational training programs in villages especially for illiterate and unemployed women, children and village artisans.
  • To provide for protection, preservation, and restoration of heritage monuments and places having archaeological importance.
  • To undertake different educational and vocational training programs in villages especially for illiterate and unemployed women, children and village artisans.
  • To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures, and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
  • To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures, and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
  • To confer Honorary Titles on eminent personality in the field of education, culture, literature, and social service etc.
  • To associate, join hands, amalgamate, take over, run, supervise, authorize, any other charitable entity/ agency carrying out same / similar charitable activities/ trust(s)/ societies, Non-Government Organisations etc.

The people of Odisha, India in general and all villagers of Sahada and other adjoining villages in the district of Jagatsinghpur, Odisha in particular.

The Board of Trustees consists of seven eminent personalities in various walks of life viz; philanthropy, social work, law, artist and agriculture etc including Dr Bata K Ray, the first & former Registrar of IIT Bhubaneswar and Regional Director, Regional Directorate of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Dr Abhaya K Naik, an author of repute with more than three dozen of books on Jagannath Culture and Registrar, NISER Bhubaneswar and Shri Rabi Narayan Dash, former General Manager of Steel Authority of India, Rourkela.

Full List of Trustees – Click here

Registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 vide Registration No. 40732400367 of 2024 dated 6th May 2024 in the Office of Sub-Registrar, Balikuda, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha.


Registered in NGO DARPON Portal of NITI AAYOG vide Unique ID

No. OR/2024/041778


Approval accorded under Section 80G [12-Sub-clause (A) of clause (iv) of first proviso to sub-section (5) of section 80G] of the Income Tax Act 1961 in respect of donations / contributions to the Trust vide unique Registration No. AAETG7239DF20241 dated 4th June 2024 for the purpose of deduction from taxable income of the donors in respect of the amount donated.

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Temple Top View

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Kindly Reach Out to us at the following: -

President & Managing Trustee

Gopinath Dham Charitable Trust

Shri Gopinath Dham

Village: Sahada, Post: Chasapada

Jagatsinghpur-754 106, Odisha.

Mobile / WhatsApp: 94374 50428



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